While choosing instrument, which means ramp design, you shouldn’t forget about purpose – what you whant to achieve with this ramp.
We distinguish two types of AUSBAU ramp design: with horizontal level-off and without such level-off.
Horizontal level-off is needed for forklift driver to center its position before entering truck body or getting inside railway wagon. Therefore ramp design where is presented horizontal level-off is supposed for work with transport vehicles, fully loaded by volume. Without horizontal level off forklift driver enter inside vehicle body binangled, not able to see bottom of cargo and take pallet safely by his forks.
However if you plan to connect dock level and ground level, you can use warehouse ramp without horizontal level-off as there will be enough space inside dock for forklift to center its position safely.
So we recommend you to consult with us about ramp design before taking final decision of type of ramp. After all, from accuracy of your choice, depends amount of needed budget, which you will invest in mentioned warehouse equipment.
For us it is more important, that customer will be satisfied in our product, than size of profit, which we will get from this deal. A satisfied customer will come back to us again and again. As it happens now.
Specialists of company “AV-exim”, manufacturer of mobile ramps AUSBAU, will always be glad to reply on your questions:
Phone +49 302 555 9868
Email: mail@av-exim.com
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