Mon-Fri: 08:00-17:00

Ramp building. Variant from steel

If ramp is made from steel it is much easier to make it, however there are even more issues, which must be noted before starting production.

Builder should determine specific steel profiles, calculate cross-loading and points of pressure on frame. If there will be mistake in calculations, ramp will be damaged within 2-3 years. Also can’t be forgotten fences, riding surface, connecting points and so on.

However the main problem for making ramp from concrete and steel is height, for which this ramp need to be designed. How to make ramp, which will suit all needed heights (small and big tent trucks, containers, low-bed trailers and so on)? What are stages of ramp production? Is it possible to change ramp dimensions in future?
Maybe it is needed to make separate ramps for every type of transport? That’s too much!

Just think, what you will prefer: waste a lot of time, money and energy to make ramp by your own or contact us and get ready universal solution for all cases?

Please, call us. We really want to be your partner and we want to solve your problem. We know how to do it!

Specialists of company “AV-exim”, manufacturer of mobile ramps AUSBAU, will always be glad to reply on your questions:
Phone +49 302 555 9868
Email: [email protected]


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