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Ramp angle and what it affects on

Ramp angle is very important factor which impact on total contentment from ramp usage.

When we calculate needed ramp angle we always take into account this issue – customer must be satisfied with usage of our ramp and ramp angle should be enough for climbing any type of warehouse equipment.

Below some of our keynotes:

  • ramp angle influence on ability of forklift to climb on ramp or exit from ramp.
  • the greater the angle of the ramp – harder for old and weak forklifts to climb on it
  • ramp angle which is enough for diesel forklift, can be insufficient for electric-power forklift.
  • during very strong frosts, forklifts wheel become harder, so it will be more difficult for forklift to climb on the ramp.
  • during hot summer days it is vice versa. If ramp angle is very high, wear-out of forklifts wheels become more intense.
  • don’t forget about forklift road clearance. Even if you calculated that forklift can climb on the ramp with high angle, it can scratch it bottom when he cross from incline to horizontal part of the ramp.
  • wheelbase also affect on forklifts clearance when he climb on the ramp.

In our company, when we calculate needed ramp angle, we take into account all these abovementioned parameters, therefore our customers are fully satisfied with ramps AUSBAU.

Specialists of company “AV-exim”, manufacturer of mobile ramps AUSBAU, will always be glad to reply on your questions:
Phone +49 302 555 9868


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