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Project of the vehicle ramps

Our customers often call and ask us about the project of the vehicle ramp.

To answer the question correctly, we ask them the counter question – when they say “a vehicle ramp”, do they mean that the vehicle should drive up the ramp or move along the ramp? In the first case, the vehicle ramp can be used as an inspection platform, and in the second case, it is rather a warehouse platform. At the same time, the latter can be used for the cars to drive into the truck, railcar or premises.
Making the project of the vehicle ramp, you can consider both options, but it will be more like all-season tires that are too solid for sufficient road traction in winter, and too soft in summer. The same thing is with all-purpose ramps.
We recommend to make two separate products. The project of the inspection ramp implies the maximum possible access to the truck bottom with a safe but precise elevation. Besides, it should be comfortable to stay under the truck ramp, so it is higher than the warehouse ramp. In the inspection room, the most important thing is the underramp access to the vehicle.
The project of a warehouse ramp implies free and reliable elevation with no risk of falling into a hole and the height that is lowered to the truck level. Reliable support legs are essential too.

You can find more information about AUSBAU mobile ramps in our catalog.
“AV-exim” professionals are always glad to advise you on any questions:
Phone +49 302 555 9868


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