There is a scheme of AUSBAU portable loading dock and its main elements below. Please pay attention to the main components of the portable loading dock: a metal frame, a platform, hydraulics and wheels.
A metal frame is the basis for the portable loading dock. The frame consists of high-quality profile steel pipes. As the scheme shows, the frame is not straight, but slightly curved in the upper part. It helps the forklift truck, driving up the ramp, to level out its position before entering the truck body.
The scheme also shows the wheel section. We use special solid rubber wheels for AUSBAU portable loading docks. Such wheels have proven their stability and reliability.
C indicates the lifting bridges that are the elements of the sloping part of the ramp. When the sloping part is not used, it can be lifted, so the lifting bridges save space. Thus, each element of our portable loading docks features increased functionality and usability.
You can find more information about AUSBAU mobile ramps in our catalog.
“AV-exim” professionals are always glad to advise you on any questions:
Phone +49 302 555 9868
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