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7 main reasons why it is reasonable to buy ramp AUSBAU

1. Loading and unloading become 2-3 times faster

With the help of mobile ramp AUSBAU, time which you usually spend for loading and unloading will decrease in 2-3 times.

Мобилна рампа AUSBAU

Basing on real experience of ramp usage, one truck will be unloaded within 20-30 minutes comparing with 80-100 minutes before. Therefore, you will speed up turnover of commodities and money.

2. Economy on labor expenses about 6000 euro per year

Forklift driver can make loading and unloading procedures using ramp without additional support.

Without a ramp. Ineffective.
With a ramp. Effectively!
Without a ramp. Ineffective.
With a ramp. Effectively!

No more people are needed. You don’t need dockers(porters) which move pallet inside truck. Now forklift can enter truck body and operate inside it. Lowest salary of porter is 500 euro. So each year you will save at least 6000 euro.

3. Mobile ramp AUSBAU it is shiftable and liquid asset, and within few years you will be able to sell it even used (second hand)

Thanks to highest quality of our ramps, there is constant demand for the ramps, even for used.

Мобилна рампа AUSBAU е подвижна и ликвидна

For example after 3 years of usage, we will be able to buy it back on price up to 70% from initial value. Ramp AUSBAU it is the same equipment as other used at your company, like machines but even more liquid(marketable). You don’t bury your money, but invest them in equipment, which will work for many years and can be sold if you will decide to sell it. Quantity of used ramps AUSBAU is limited, because just few customers want to sell it after several years of usage, as they are reliable assistant for their logistic purposes. Therefore if you will decide to sell ramp, we will be able to find customer for your used ramp very fast.

4. With mobile ramp AUSBAU your company also become mobile

If your company or warehouse will have to move to another location, city or even region, your ramp will be able to go together with all other equipment.

С мобилна рампа AUSBAU Вашата фирма също става мобилна

Transportable dimensions let move ramp easily by different ways. Ramp AUSBAU has wheels, which can move ramp inside territory of your company. For example, if you need to unload truck from other part of your territory, not in standard unloading point, you can move ramp to truck. That’s easy.

5. For all types of transport

Ramp is adjusted by the height from 90 till 165 cm. Meaning all types of transport, from small truck to railway wagon.

железопътни вагони

6. Comfort of usage

Thanks to usage of mobile ramp AUSBAU, loading and loading of cargo transport become much easier and faster.

Противоскользящая решетка OPT-SRS

Convenience is simplicity and efficiency.

Forklift drives inside truck without any effort. Interview of warehouse workers after two weeks from date of ramp purchase showed that now they don’t imagine their work without ramp. That’s not advertisement. That’s people opinion. You can ride on a ramp in any weather conditions – snowfall, rain and extreme frosts. Riding surface of the ramp is executed from special serrated anti-slip surface with holes. Therefore, snow, ice and dirt go through these holes.

7.Increased safety of procedures

While driving on ramp from ground to truck body, forklift doesn’t stop, therefore it doesn’t shift the pallet with freight.

Повишена безопасност на процедурите

No overloadings. Forklift driver see where he put cargo in truck. Special fences(rails) from both sides of ramp protect forklift from fall.

Few additional figures.

Let’s assume that you buy ramp for 7000 EUR. In three years, in case of proper usage, your used ramp can cost 5000 EUR. That’s amount for which you can sell this ramp. Savings on salary for three years will be about 18000 EUR. Also you gain profits thanks to faster and easier turnover of your freights. Expenses for cargoes damaged during unloading and loading will be decreased significantly.

So you save and earn much more, than invest.

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