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Loading ramp for a logistic company in France

Traditionally, one of those who most frequently order AUSBAU equipment are logistics companies.

Loading and unloading goods daily, big logistics companies cannot deal without quality loading equipment – mobile ramps, fixed ramps, container ramps, dock levelers, etc.

Using our equipment can reduce the time for unloading / loading processes. Also it helps to increase the safety of all work performed during such processes. That is why many logistic companies all around the world use AUSBAU equipment as such that corresponds high requirements and standards.

Not so long ago, a company from France contacted us in order to buy a mobile ramp AUSBAU-PRO8-2SL. This is standard and most popular model of a mobile ramp. It was equipped with an additional option – adjustable supporting legs. This option serves as additional insurance against of a sudden fall of the ramp in case of a truck departure.

So, AUSBAU loading ramps allow to speed up loading and unloading processes, while increasing stuff safety.

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