Seg-Sex: 08:00-17:00

Rampas de carregamento da AUSBAU durante a pandemia de COVID-19

Durante a pandemia de COVID-19, nossa empresa não parou de fornecer equipamentos da AUSBAU na Ucrânia e na Europa.

Despite some quarantine limitations in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, we not only did not stop our activities, but even increased the volumes of production and shipments of our equipment.

We have taken all the recommended precautions – personal protective equipment for employees at the plant, maintaining safety distance, and some members of our team worked from their homes.

During this period, we supplied loading ramps in Ukraine and abroad.

One of the countries where our company delivered a ramp during quarantine was Romania. So, in early May, a stationary ramp with a horizontal platform AUSBAU-STB8-8025/22 was delivered to this country.

A horizontal platform on the ramp is necessary in order to level forklift position before entering the truck. Also, taking into account the technical characteristics of the forklift, the client chose a ramp model with a carriageway width of 2.2 m. The loading capacity of the ramp was 8 tons.

It should be noted that in the context of strict quarantine measures and an uncertain situation caused by the pandemic, we have fulfilled all contractual obligations to our clients.

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