Seg-Sex: 08:00-17:00

Rampa móvel AUSBAU-PRO8-4WL para um cliente na Suíça

Mais e mais empresas ao redor do mundo estão se tornando nossos clientes, reconhecendo a alta qualidade e confiabilidade dos equipamentos AUSBAU.

Thus, our new client in Switzerland is a company that manufactures temperature control and cooling devices for industrial sectors.

To be used in a soiled warehouse, it required a mobile ramp with a load capacity of 8 tonnes.

Our company offered a mobile ramp AUSBAU-PRO8-4WL with an additional extra pair of wheels for non-solid surfaces.

AUSBAU PRO-8 is one of the most popular models of our ramps. Its main advantage is that it is suitable for most types of loading equipment, which makes it the most versatile and functional.

Considering that the territory of the warehouse is located on an unstable surface, an additional extra pair of wheels was installed on the ramp. We recommend doing this in conditions where the ramp is used on unstable surfaces such as ground or sand.

All manufacturing and logistics work has been completed within the stipulated time frame.

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