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Rampa fixa AUSBAU para armazém na Alemanha

Milhares de empresas em todo o mundo estão convencidas da alta eficiência do uso das rampas de carregamento da AUSBAU.

With AUSBAU loading ramps, significant improvements can be achieved in the efficiency of logistics processes, which eventually leads to increasing profits.

Exactly, for optimizing process of loading goods, a well-known German company, the leader in the market of branded goods and trade, addressed to us. The company that owns production and warehouses with more than 20,000 square meters, needed a fixed ramp with a load capacity 6 tons.

Additional options were provided for this ramp model. So, loading ramp was equipped with a handrailings for the safe movement of staff on the surface of the ramp.

Another important feature of it was a zinc coated serrated grating instead of regular one. With this option ramp can be used in any time of the year and, thanks to the zinc coated surface, no need to worry about the appearance of rust.

This and other characteristics allow the client to use AUSBAU equipment in high-intensity conditions, without worrying about the safety of his staff.

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