Seg-Sex: 08:00-17:00

33 plataformas de acesso de empilhadeira AUSBAU-WP03 para uma empresa da Ucrânia

Nossa empresa não produz apenas rampas de carregamento. Fornecemos acessórios para empilhadeiras, como gaiolas de segurança para empilhadeiras, para clientes internacionais.

The Ukrainian company, a supplier of construction and repair equipment, purchased 33 forklift access platforms for its needs. AUSBAU-WP03 forklift safety cages are easy to use. They save time and resources when carrying out work at height in warehouses.

The forklift basket is made of high-quality steel. It consists of a platform (with a fence in the form of high railings around the perimeter), a wicket, fastening for the forklift’ forks and a secure floor. At the request of the customer, the basket is completed with hinged compartments for tools and long items, a wicket with a lock latch and a belt for greater safety. Transport castors are also available to order. Due to them, the basket can be moved without a forklift, even across the territory of a small warehouse.

AUSBAU forklift access platforms are convenient because they are attached directly to the forklift forks. After simple installation, the baskets are ready to use. A load of 300 kg allows you to lift not only workers to a height, but also tools or building materials. The lifting height is limited only by the capabilities of the forklift.

AUSBAU forklift attachments have all the necessary certificates confirming the safety and reliability of forklift baskets. By purchasing our products, you can be sure of their quality and durability.

You can purchase AUSBAU-WP03 forklift access platforms in any quantity: both retail and in bulk. Forklift baskets are available for ordering not only in two standard sizes, but also as per customer order.

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