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Nova encomenda para Portugal

O equipamento da AUSBAU corresponde aos mais altos requisitos e padrões internacionais. Como resultado, expandimos constantemente a geografia de nossas remessas.

In March this year we have delivered our loading ramp to Portugal.
The customer was a local company which is based in Braga and specializes in providing services in the field of water supply infrastructure.
Among all variants of our ramps, the choice of a Portuguese company was made in favor of the model AUSBAU-PRO8-2SL, one of the most popular among our customers. Also, for this model were implemented additional options, namely – supporting legs that serve for reliability during direct use of the ramp.

The ramp was manufactured and delivered to the customer within agreed time. We are glad that more and more companies are able to ensure the high quality and reliability of AUSBAU equipment.

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