Seg-Sex: 08:00-17:00

Entrega de uma rampa móvel exclusiva AUSBAU-LCV8 para a Romênia

Nós entregamos para a Romênia rampa móvel única AUSBAU-LCV8 para a condução de LCV (veículos comerciais ligeiros) de / para camiões

In November, 2017, we received a request for production of special mobile ramp, on which low-tonnage trucks can drive. The ramp was supposed for the leading importer of this technics in the north of Romania. After receiving the technical requirements, our specialists studied more than 80 specifications for the main LCV brands in Europe.

We studied the features of this kind of transport, analyzed details about ground clearance, wheelbase width, the maximum total weight, the length of the wheelbase, and many other parameters which are very important for the customer’s full satisfaction with our products.

The result of serious preliminary work, as well as intensive manufacturing process, was the mobil ramp AUSBAU-LCV8, which was delivered to the client in the middle of December 2017.

The implementation of such complex and unique projects allows us always improve the entire production and supply chain. From the analysis of external documentation, the design of special products, the purchase of special materials and parts, to the strict observance of the production schedule, the search for proper transport and the advance organization of shipment, control over the passage of customs procedures. And in the end, delivery just-in-time just-as-ordered.

Only putting ourselves in the shoes  of our clients, studying carefully  their needs, forecasting possible and impossible risks and operational difficulties, assessing the potential delays in the pre-New Year period, we can provide the level of service to which consumers of the European Union get used. Many repeating orders from our customers both in Ukraine and abroad confirm it. We do not make templates, but we offer individual solutions for each client’s need. This is the rule of our company, under  which the entire AUSBAU team works.

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