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Equipamentos de armazém

Plataforma de nivelação hidráulica (nivelador de cais) AUSBAU-DL
Uma plataforma de nivelação hidráulica cobre o espaço entre o nível da rampa e a caixa do veículo proporcionando a redução de tempo de descarregamento-carregamento.
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Plataforma de nivelação hidráulica (nivelador de cais) AUSBAU-DL
Mesa elevatória AUSBAU-SL (mesa elevatória hidráulica)
As mesas elevatórias AUSBAU-SL são usadas para movimentação vertical de cargas pesadas e de gabaritos elevados nos armazéns e na indústria.
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Mesa elevatória AUSBAU-SL (mesa elevatória hidráulica)
Rampas para contentores AUSBAU-CB
As rampas para contentores AUSBAU-CB são utilizadas para nivelar a altura da terra e do contentor.
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Rampas para contentores AUSBAU-CB
Plataforma niveladora mecânica AUSBAU-BR
A finalidade de uma plataforma niveladora mecânica é alinhamento da altura de uma rampa de betão no armazém ou uma rampa fixa com o nível da caixa do veículo.
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Plataforma niveladora mecânica AUSBAU-BR
Rampa niveladora móvel AUSBAU-SDB
A rampa niveladora móvel AUSBAU se destina para igualar o nível da rampa de betão e o nível da caixa do veículo.
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Rampa niveladora móvel AUSBAU-SDB
Guias de pavimento para camiões AUSBAU-WGD
As guias de centragem para cais de carga AUSBAU-WGD são dispositivos metálicos próprios que permitem estacionar um veículo pesado de forma correta a fim de proceder com operações com carga.
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Guias de pavimento para camiões AUSBAU-WGD
Rampas para camião AUSBAU-WHLR
As rampas para camião AUSBAU-WHLR se servem para levantar a caixa do reboque ou da carrinha até altura da porta da cais.
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Rampas para camião AUSBAU-WHLR


Autosisustus Kare Tervonen Oy
In order to accelerate loading and unloading operations at the warehouse, our company Autosisustus Kare Tervonen Oy decided to buy a mobile ramp AUSBAU-SPCL6. The ramp was quickly designed in accordance with our dimensions and requirements. We are grateful AUSBAU for the cooperation and can recommend.
Logo bellator
Bellator Construction Machinery Sp. o.o.
Purchase of the ramp was a good investment in our business. Our company is satisfied with the ramp AUSBAU. We are grateful to AUSBAU eemployees for cooperation and informational support.
2B Best Business AB
2B Best Business AB
We would say that AUSBAU has 10 points on a scale with max 10! We are happy to recommend AUSBAU and their products to everyone.
Bla Kors
Our organization has bought two AUSBAU-PRO6 mobile, for loading bigbags with forklift. We are very happy for the ramps and find the whole process buying them, very smooth and professional.
SYC Cylinders
The communication with AUSBAU throughout the purchase process was excellent and they gave us many facilities for the dispatch of goods. We are grateful to AUSBAU for the cooperation and highly recommend their products and services.
Deutsche Schraubfundament
Auf diesem Weg mbchten wir uns gerne fur die gute Zusammenarbeit, ihre freundliche Beratung, die gute Qualitat ihres Produktes und die schnelle Ausfuhrung des Transportes bedanken. Wir sind mit dem Produkt sehr zufrieden und wurden Sie jederzeit weiterempfehlen.
Iceberg Salat Centar
The whole process from ordering to construction and delivery was executed swiftly and with high professionalism. We are certain that the ramp will serve us perfectly, and will definitely come back to AUSBAU as soon as we need additional ramp.
Wir haben dieses Produkt seit 2 Monaten in Betrieb. Die·Verarbeitung der Rampe ist gut. Wir haben keine Probleme hiermit und konnen sie weiter empfehlen.
The communication with AUSBAU was smooth and easygo ing. The ramp was delivered as expected and in quite short time. NOR MAALI s.r.o. recommends AUSBAU as a reliable business part ner.
Veles Agro
Veles Agro
After three months of exploitations of the ramp, our expectations are fully justified. The average time of loading and unloading operations was reduced to 40 minutes, against 1.8 hours earlier. Probably, this is one of our most successful investments in equipment in recent years.
Професійний підхід спеціалістів компанії та висока якість мобільних рамп не залишили сумнівів, що свою співпрацю ми продовжимо і в наступні роки. Ми рекомендуємо AUSBAU як надійного партнера та постачальника продукції гарантованої якості.
Купівля пандуса була вигідною інвестицією в наш бізнес. Наша компанія задоволена пандусом AUSBAU. Ми дуже вдячні AUSBAU за співпрацю та з радістю рекомендуємо їх продукцію та послуги.


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