Polovne rampe AUSBAU
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Katalog proizvoda AUSBAU 97 КБ Modeli rampi AUSBAU 97 КБ

Polovne utovarne rampe

U slučaju da je potrebno utovarati i istovarati kamione i/ili kontejnere, ali nije moguće kupiti novu mobilnu rampu, preporučujemo da kupite polovnu mobilnu rampu za kamione koja može obavljati iste funkcije kao nova.

Kompanija AUSBAU ima dugogodišnje iskustvo u proizvodnji i prodaji mobilnih rampi za utovar. Pored prodaje novih mobilnih rampi za domaće i izvozno tržište, nudimo i polovne utovarne rampе kompanije AUSBAU.

Sve polovne mobilne rampe za kamione i kontejnere od kompanije AUSBAU su u radnom stanju i pre isporuke kupcu prolaze temeljnu tehničku kontrolu.

Used mobile ramp AUSBAU-SPCL6-2SL-HR-TC-SRS
Polovne utovarne rampePolovne mobilna utovarna rampaPolovne mobilna rampa

rampe de chargement occasion AUSBAU-PRO8-2SL-EHP-SRS-TC

ModelCapacity, kgDimensions of platform (mm)

Weight capacity: 6 t
Year of production: January 2021

  • Long incline part (N) = 8200mm = easy for a forklift to drive up, remains a good angle
  • Long horizontal part (H) = 2500mm = plenty of space for leveling the forklift + better visibility
  • Wide carriageway = 2200mm = comfortable for driving up and using different types of forklifts
  • Additional safety legs (2SL) = prevent situations of high risk and provides safety
  • Additional hand railings on the ramp (HR) = increase safety for the pedestrians working on the ramp
  • Anti-slippery grating instead of the regular (SRS) = not only provides the durability of using and slip resistance but ensures a permanent solution in dusty and slippery environments.
  • Tent coverage over the roadway of the ramp (TC) = more protection for the ramp during any weather conditions, all-weather capability, and protection of goods

100% ready to use, fully working condition
Price: 10000 EUR
On terms: FCA Malmo, Sweden
30% cheaper than new
Delivery to any destination in Europe. Ask us for a price with delivery to the desired location

Payment terms: 100% advance payment
CE conformity product
6-month warranty!

Used mobile ramp AUSBAU-PRO8
Polovne utovarne rampe AUSBAU-PRO8 Polovne mobilna utovarna rampa AUSBAU-PRO8Polovne mobilna rampa AUSBAU

AUSBAU-PRO8 scheme

ModelCapacity, kgDimensions of platform (mm)

Weight capacity: 8 t
Year of production: 2014

  • Long incline part (A) = 7000mm = easy for a forklift to drive up, remains a good angle
  • Long horizontal part (H) = 2210mm = plenty of space for leveling the forklift + better visibility
  • Wide carriageway = 2000mm = comfortable for driving up and using different types of forklifts

Price: 6000 EUR
On terms: FCA 35105, Rzeszow, Poland
43% cheaper than new
Delivery to any destination in Europe. Ask us for a price with delivery to the desired location

Payment terms: 100% advance payment
CE conformity product

Used fixed ramp
Polovne stacionarna utovarna rampaPolovne utovarna rampaPolovne utovarna rampa za kamion

Used ramp scheme

ModelCapacity, kgDimensions of platform (mm)

Model: RL-FX-6000-100-20
Weight capacity: 6 t
Year of production: April 2014

  • Long incline part = 10000mm = easy for a forklift to drive up, remains a good angle
  • Wide carriageway = 2000mm = comfortable for driving up and using different types of forklifts
  • Hinged connecting lip
  • Accessible price

100% ready to use, fully working condition
Price: 6000 EUR
On terms: FCA Arad, Romania
60% cheaper than new
Delivery to any destination in Europe. Ask us for a price with delivery to the desired location

Payment terms: 100% advance payment
CE conformity product
6-month warranty!

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Molimo Vas, popunite polja ili pošaljite zahtev na e-mail [email protected]

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    Zadati pitanje
    Molimo Vas, popunite polja ili pošaljite zahtev na e-mail [email protected]

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