Pon-Pet: 08:00-17:00
Nakladalne rampe rabljene (AUSBAU)
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Katalog izdelkov AUSBAU 97 КБ Modeli ramp AUSBAU 97 КБ

Rabljene nakladalne rampe

V primeru, da je potrebno nalagati in razkladati tovornjake in/ali kontejnerje, vendar ni mogoče kupiti nove mobilne rampe, priporočamo nakup rabljene mobilne rampe za tovornjake, ki lahko opravlja enake funkcije kot nova.

Podjetje AUSBAU ima dolgoletne izkušnje s proizvodnjo in prodajo mobilnih nakladalnih ramp. Poleg prodaje novih mobilnih nakladalnih ramp za domači in izvozni trg ponujamo tudi rabljene nakladalne rampe podjetja AUSBAU.

Vse rabljene mobilne rampe za tovornjake in kontejnerje podjetja AUSBAU so v delovnem stanju in pred dostavo kupcu opravijo temeljit tehnični pregled.

Used mobile ramp AUSBAU-SPCL6-2SL-HR-TC-SRS
Nakladalne rampe rabljeneMobilna nakladalna rampa rabljenemobilna rampa rabljene

rampe de chargement occasion AUSBAU-PRO8-2SL-EHP-SRS-TC

ModelCapacity, kgDimensions of platform (mm)

Weight capacity: 6 t
Year of production: January 2021

  • Long incline part (N) = 8200mm = easy for a forklift to drive up, remains a good angle
  • Long horizontal part (H) = 2500mm = plenty of space for leveling the forklift + better visibility
  • Wide carriageway = 2200mm = comfortable for driving up and using different types of forklifts
  • Additional safety legs (2SL) = prevent situations of high risk and provides safety
  • Additional hand railings on the ramp (HR) = increase safety for the pedestrians working on the ramp
  • Anti-slippery grating instead of the regular (SRS) = not only provides the durability of using and slip resistance but ensures a permanent solution in dusty and slippery environments.
  • Tent coverage over the roadway of the ramp (TC) = more protection for the ramp during any weather conditions, all-weather capability, and protection of goods

100% ready to use, fully working condition
Price: 10000 EUR
On terms: FCA Malmo, Sweden
30% cheaper than new
Delivery to any destination in Europe. Ask us for a price with delivery to the desired location

Payment terms: 100% advance payment
CE conformity product
6-month warranty!

Used mobile ramp AUSBAU-PRO8
Nakladalne rampe rabljene AUSBAU-PRO8 Mobilna nakladalna rampa rabljene AUSBAU-PRO8mobilna rampa rabljene AUSBAU

AUSBAU-PRO8 scheme

ModelCapacity, kgDimensions of platform (mm)

Weight capacity: 8 t
Year of production: 2014

  • Long incline part (A) = 7000mm = easy for a forklift to drive up, remains a good angle
  • Long horizontal part (H) = 2210mm = plenty of space for leveling the forklift + better visibility
  • Wide carriageway = 2000mm = comfortable for driving up and using different types of forklifts

Price: 6000 EUR
On terms: FCA 35105, Rzeszow, Poland
43% cheaper than new
Delivery to any destination in Europe. Ask us for a price with delivery to the desired location

Payment terms: 100% advance payment
CE conformity product

Used fixed ramp
Stacionarna nakladalna rampa rabljene Stacionarna rampa za kombi rabljene nakladalna rampa za tovornjak rabljene

Used ramp scheme

ModelCapacity, kgDimensions of platform (mm)

Model: RL-FX-6000-100-20
Weight capacity: 6 t
Year of production: April 2014

  • Long incline part = 10000mm = easy for a forklift to drive up, remains a good angle
  • Wide carriageway = 2000mm = comfortable for driving up and using different types of forklifts
  • Hinged connecting lip
  • Accessible price

100% ready to use, fully working condition
Price: 6000 EUR
On terms: FCA Arad, Romania
60% cheaper than new
Delivery to any destination in Europe. Ask us for a price with delivery to the desired location

Payment terms: 100% advance payment
CE conformity product
6-month warranty!

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